Network of volunteer business leaders, Réseau Entreprendre Maroc is an association whose mission is to contribute to the success of young entrepreneurs who significantly create jobs and wealth. Its primary vocation is to support these women and men who, through their ambition, their entrepreneurial potential, their profession and the market they are addressing, are likely to make their company an SME capable of grow. This support also includes financial assistance issued on a personal basis, in the form of an honor loan ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 MAD, intended to strengthen the company’s equity and create a leverage effect on other financing. Réseau Entreprendre Maroc thus intends to maximize the chances of success of the creators and buyers it accompanies, allowing them to benefit from the support, experience, skills and also the network of business leaders who are members of the association.
In 10 years, Réseau Entreprendre Maroc has supported more than 300 projects and granted more than 40 MDH in honorary loans.
Bureau 133, Technopark, Casablanca